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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Post Holiday WeeEEK!

Yay Freedom!

What a rough, yet fun week this has been! Last week, I hit the one month mark. Like I said, I know I am not in "habit mode" yet and this weekend proved it.  It was a beautiful 4th of July weekend filled with fireworks, food, and frosty mojitos all of which were at my fingertips. I worked out on Saturday morning and spent a decent amount of the day in the pool playing around on Sunday (I got in as much cardio as I could without looking like I was doing straight-up laps). Monday and Tuesday, however, got zilch workouts. Boo me..............BOOOO! But the good ol' Catholic guilt got me motivated to workout on Wednesday. I think my body enjoyed the rest and recuperation though. After being so lacks on the workouts over the last couple of days, I was certain in my mind that I had either:
A) Lost no weight
B) Gained weight

My results of this week below:

Week 5 Results:
Weight: 196
Body fat %: 42
BMI: 32.2
Weeks til goal: 61 weeks

Initial Weigh In:
Weight Day One: dropped 11.8 lbs (yippee)
Percent of Body Fat: -1.3%
BMI: -2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -12 weeks

Soooo, now that I managed to still lose weight this week. I'm going to share some tips for surviving the weekend without adding to your waistline. 

Sure, BBQs are fantastic and are often quite healthy options when putting items on the grill, but the key here is moderation. With pasta and potato salads in abundance, marinades full of calories, extra bbq sauce, toppings, etc. it's easy to go overboard. I read an article from "Eat This, Not That" awhile back on the best and worst when it comes to BBQs. On the 4th of July, I opted for 1 rib, 3 grilled shrimp, a very small serving of potato salad and a slice of watermelon. It would have been entirely too easy to grab a hot dog, cheeseburger, corn on the cob, etc. but I've noticed that my appetite is (thankfully) not what it used to be. Other dining during the weekend included fresh sandwiches for lunch, 99% fat free Hebrew National hot dogs, cut up fruit, and 1/2 corn cob with minimal butter. Knowing that I wasn't going to be eating the best of the best, my breakfast for the weekend was Green Machine by Naked Juice. That juice packs a mean punch of vitamins and superfoods! 

Hydration is key on a long weekend in the sun. So make sure to water it up! There are now plenty of low-cal options out there if you still want a cocktail or two. I have made a few Guilt-free Concoctions that should meet your cravings without meeting your bum!

Crystal Light Mojito
Mix a packet of the new Crystal Light Mocktail into a large pitcher (makes 8 servings). Switch out 2 of the 8 cups cups of water with two cups of Mango Rum. Then add some fresh mint and meld it altogether for one amazing and refreshing drink! The Crystal Light Mocktail mix is only 5 calories per serving! The Crystal Light Mocktail also comes in Appletini and Margarita flavors.

Mio Mango Mixer
Coming in several flavors, this cocktail can please anyone! Mio is designed to enhance water flavor without calories, fat, sugar, etc. I make a water and vodka (or rum) in a glass and then squirt your little buddy, Mio, into the glass. Mix and drink. This is a wonderful option as you are basically drinking a water with some vodka in it. LOL. Hydrate at the same time :) And it's much better than getting a light cranberry juice or mixing with any other juice for that matter as the sugar content in juice can be ridiculous!

Ok Bum Followers, that's all I have for now. And please, comment on the blog and let me know how you liked my cocktails!

Love w/ all my bum,


  1. I would like it better if you made the cocktails for me!! :D

  2. Diet fact. Keep in mind all the low cal drinks are ok but do not count for your required amount of water. You need 8 8oz a day. That will keep you fuller and help you not to cheat. Works for me. The thing I I bring my own snacks, like celery and carrots.
    Hope this helps.

  3. Yay! I'm so happy to hear that even on your days off from working out you're still making healthy eating choices :) I do have to agree with Anonymous, drink more water, especially when drinking alcohol and spending the day in the sun. Keep up the good work my friend!

  4. Anon and Eat.Run. Thanks for the comments! Absolutely are these cocktails NOT a substitute for drinking our friend H2O. These options are simply "healthier" options when wanting a cocktail at a social gathering (as opposed to a huge margarita, a few beers, etc.). I also try to eat something good for me before going to a party (veggies, granola, etc.)so I am already arriving with some goodies in my belly and not as tempted to ravage the chip dip and brownies
