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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Goals or Ghouls?

This is going to be the worst post ever. Talk about revealing. But hey, if I get through this post, then it really does feel like anything is possible. With one day of working out complete-it was time for me to buy the scale of all scales. The one I purchased not only tells my weight, but also how much water weight I’m carrying, my BMI, percent of my weight that is bonafide fat to lose, how many weeks it will take me to reach my goal and what my daily caloric intake should be to reach that goal. Talk about putting it allllllll out there. Side note: I will not be an obsessive calorie counter or weigh-in person. I use these as guidelines and tools only to reach my fitness goals. Some people just get too carried away and end up holding on to stress weight because of it.
My new Health-o-Meter Scale

So here’s the breakdown:
Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Caloric Intake Should Be: 2127 cal/day
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73

It’s easy to show that part because there’s a bunch of numbers. I think the calorie intake is pretty high but I am not one to literally count all my calories. However, the eye opener, or slap in the face, is seeing that almost HALF of my weight is fat. Therefore, in order to be healthy, I need to lose 44.3% of my weight. That would put me at 115.7 lbs. Now, we all know that I can’t be fat free or else I would die. So we need to bump that weight goal up a bit.  According to the BMI calculator, I am beyond obese too (see, I recognize fat-assedness when I see it in the mirror)! But here’s a helpful chart:
BMI Categories:
         Underweight = <18.5
         Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
         Overweight = 25–29.9
         Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
So now I need to determine my weight loss goal. I remember, in my athletic days, weighing the same as my high school best friend, Catie. We were both 121 lbs and super fit because we were forced to run miles a day, push ourselves to the point of vomiting, and were 16 years old. Not realistic when having a full time job, husband to look after and a pooch to smooch. When looking at my height, gender and age a healthy weight, according to handy internet sources, is 135 lbs. So there we have it.


Realistic (obtainable)
a.     135 lbs
b.      Noticeable rolls gone
c.       Bikini ready year round
d.      Heels don’t bend out from underneath me (don’t act like you don’t know about this!)
e.      Run a 10K
f.        Get a decent professional photo shoot for ‘After’ shots
g.       Size 7/8 pants (remember my bum will always be large!)

Vanity (less realistic, but hey, I want it so why not put it out there)
a.        125 lbs
b.      Thighs don’t touch when I am standing regularly (very tough as I have always had larger legs)
c.       To somehow manage to not lose my bra cup size J
d.      Run a marathon
e.      Size 5 pants

Mini-goals along the way
a.       To run a mile without slowing down
b.      To run a 5k, 8k, 10k
c.       …More mini’s to come…

Knowing that losing weight the safe way accounts for 2 lbs per week and I have 72 .8 lbs to lose, my scale is being pretty generous in giving me 73 weeks to lose or 1 year and 4 months or 511 days. However, if I manage to consistently lose 2 lbs per week, I will reach my fitness goal by 36.4 weeks. Either way, I have a LONG journey ahead of me.

And I now present you with the dreaded BEFORE pictures. I am going to show different body parts so that, as time goes by, we can do all the necessary analysis of my bringing sexy back. I will also take some pics of a couple outfits in the next few days that will obviously not fit me, but I am hoping that as I lose weight you’ll see the transformation of the outfit being too tight, then fit snuggly, just right, and then a little loose, and then me swimming in it. When I get to that point, I promise to literally swim in the clothing in my pool. And then I’ll record me burning the outfit-just to make it feel ‘right.’  And now here they are-you’ve hereby been forewarned.
comments: muffin top, thighs touching, large boobs, stretch marks, cellulite all over legs, cankles, barely a wrist, no knee definition

comments: rolls of back fat, no defined shoulders, back of arms have that chick'n wing going on from the Nutty Professor, no defined bum (we just know it's MUCH bigger than my heart)

Side (relaxed):
comments: beeeeeeeeeeeer belly, beginnings of a rooster chin

comments: very round, chubby cheeks, a few layers of chin

Wow-that was tough to see and even tough to face the reality that others will be viewing these embarrassing images. It's funny though, I definitely know they are wretched, but it's so easy to just avoid looking at yourself. Well, that can't be the case anymore. I also shed the makeup. There are no facades and walls to put up here. As promised, it's the brutal truth. Looking at these images, I'd say we'd all vote for my goals over my ghouls. Am I right?! 

Love with all my bum (and now you have seen how much it is I love you-literally),


  1. I love your blog! How did running start off for you? Was it hard? Can you already run a whole mile?

  2. Anonymous-thanks for commenting! The way I am initially do my running is somewhat of a cycle so I don't get an injury from this extra weight I'm carrying (I'll probably do this for a few weeks before going all treadmill). I do 10 minutes each on the treadmill, elliptical, and bike and increase my speed each 2 minutes. By the time you are at 9 minutes, the intensity level is, well, intense! You can choose to do one round (30 min) or 2 (1 hour). I'm definitely not near a mile yet, but I am working hard to build that endurance up.

    Also, please subscribe to my blog :)

  3. I give you lots of credit for doing this. I am in the same boat but physically unable to do much exercise at the moment.

  4. I think you're hot just the way you are.
