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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday Weigh Day (mayday, mayday)

Welcome to week 3!

Many people say that it takes about 3 weeks to form a habit-for me, I am not quite at the habit level of making this a forever routine. I do think I am on the road to success though. Working out in this way is not 2nd nature to me and I recognize it will take a lot more time to habitualize this new lifestyle. In my younger years, I was extremely active in team sports. Although I am a HUGE advocate for getting your children involved in team sports, it might not translate well in adult life (i.e. take out the team, and you have a player who doesn't know how to workout or do physical activity alone). However, I will keep you posted on when it does feel like a 'no brainer' to enter the gym. I will also let you know when I don't feel embarrassed when on the elliptical and feel like passing out at level 2 intensity.

This week I had a personal triumph that I thought might be worth sharing. Last week, I spoke to the fact that even when I work out with someone it is ultimately me that can push myself or fail myself. I was tested this week by not only being tired and sore, but also alone 100% in 1/2 of my workouts. What I mean by this is that my gym going pal went on vacation, my husband was working in the evenings and I was accountable, in a new way, to myself. I never really thought about personal accountability in this way. Sure, we know that if we rob a bank, we are held accountable for our actions. But what about being accountable to myself in ways that result in accountability to others? By my being healthy and fit, I change the way my husband eats and, one day, the way I raise my children (i.e. sorry kids, no Mickey D's and coke) and make all parties more health conscientious. My personal goals become widespread goals of my immediate family and may even touch base with friends. I already have a few friends that want to go out to eat with me and are kind enough to ensure that there are yummy options for me that don't take 5 hours at the gym to burn off. I feel like it's possible that my friends, taking to effort to help meet my needs, might become more aware of the decisions they make when ordering food and therefore make healthier choices.
Making better choices for the long run: fries so delicious, tempting, cancer and diabetes provoking-go away! 

I know I have not yet touched base on the family and friends goals I have, but it will come soon enough. For now, I focus on making myself a fit person. This week's challenge just seemed like a foreshadowing of expressing my future goals and I am so far triumphant in making the right decisions for me even when no body else is looking.

So, down to the nitty gritty, the results of week 3 mayday:

Week 3 Results:
Weight: 200.2
Body fat %: 42.8
BMI: 32.9
Weeks til goal: 65 weeks

Comparison to Initial Weigh-In:
Weight loss:  7.6 lbs
Fat % loss: 1.5%
Weeks til goal: Dropped 10 weeks

I will definitely be happy to see me under the 200 scope. In my mind, 200 lbs officially means obese for a woman of my size and it will be a sweet victory to get under that threshold. I also CANNOT wait to be able to tell people "I've lost 20 pounds." For some reason, 20 pounds justifies to me a seriousness to get results and make a change for good. But I have a month to go for that one! I can allllllllllmoooooosssssttt tell people I've dropped 10 lbs. but it won't feel as sweet on the lips as 20 does. 

Happy week 3 to y'all! 

Love w/ all my bum,


  1. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks anonymous! I definitely try, that's for sure!

  3. I too will be starting a weight loss plan soon. Vacay next week and then....you know!

  4. i knw wat u mean girl!!! im soo over the weight...i can almost say i lost 20 pounds right now im at 17 and it really does feel great since i went down 4 pants sizes...soo if i could do that i knw u can too it is not easy and takes alot of work but i really have never felt better best of luck to u!!!

  5. Sarah- 17 lbs is fantastic! And 4 pant sizes, wow that is a lot. Thanks for the ell wishes and I hope you subscribe to the blog and continue to update on your progress and give feedback!

    Anon-good work on making the choice to start a plan. Don't eat too much on your vacay and make it harder on yourself!! :)
