About Me

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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Months Down!

2 Months ago, I started working out and made the choice to change my lifestyle. As I reflect upon the last month and even month one, I realize that this is tough business. My struggle this month is that, one day of the week in addition to my day off, I didn’t work out. I had birthday parties, holidays, business trips, and dinner outings that not only put me in front of temptation, but basically allowed larger portions to magically make its way into my stomach. My feelings about this extra day are two fold: on one hand, there is that old Catholic guilt I have and this nagging feeling that I failed somehow. On the other hand, life is not perfect and neither is a program that doesn’t have any give to it. It is life and what can I say, things don’t always go as planned.

For accountability sake, I have failed in that I was supposed to not drop the ball an additional day each week; however, each week as I weigh-in, I feel a renewed sense of determination. I was excited this morning to wake up and weigh myself. Usually I feel like I haven’t lost anything and then POP! 2 more pounds have been shed. This week was different in that my results were the exact same as last week. Working on my positivity, I’d say that this is decent. I didn’t gain any additional weight and for me, that’s always a goal reached. And I have extra determination to succeed next week.

As promised, I said I would give updates on my business trip in New Orleans on my progress in keeping fit. For breakfast, I had a bagel, egg and cheese sandwich. For lunch, I’ll be having fruit and a turkey sandwich and dinner, well, that’ll be the kicker. My colleagues and I are going to K-Paul and the restaurant specializing in traditional Louisiana food. Turtle soup, jambalaya, gumbo and etoufee can all be huge traps. Moderation will be the name of the game as I grew up being told that I had to finish everything on my plate which now I know was not the right way for a person like me to get trained proper eating and portion control.

After walking the town with our event planners and seeing various venues for a Gala, we will go to K-Paul restaurant and then I intend on working out at the gym. I’ll let you know how it goes and report out soon!

Week 8 (Month 2) Results:
Weight: 195
Body Fat %: 42%
BMI: 32
Water weight %: 42.3%
Weeks til goal: 60

Love w/ all my bum,


  1. I'm so jealous you're in New Orleans, but yes, lots of downfalls there. Hope you survived! As long as you stayed away from Bourbon Street and bread pudding, I think you'll be ok. :)

  2. you have a postive attitude and that is important, you are trying hard and are aware of the pitfalls, that is good. keep up the good work, love ya, glad you are having a good time, work and fun, what a life, haha
