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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 9 (mighty fine!)

Here I am, week nine! Just over two months have passed and what can I say other than I feel good?! I have lost just a touch over 15 pounds and I have much more energy than I used to. I even find that when I watch a show on tv, I feel the need to do something instead of just sit there. 

While I still need to work on portion control and eating out less, I make decisions that I would not have a few months ago. Going out to eat is bad enough and so I used to allow myself to order whatever I wanted because I already "messed" up. No bueno pussy cat. Now, when I go out, I order salads, soups and sandwiches. I have dressing on the side (I often find I do not need dressing at all) and I stray away from carb/starch heavy menu options. Every now and then I need my fix of noodles, but even then, I try to eat the veggies and protein first and then see how I feel once I get to the pasta. More often than not, I take a few bites of the pasta and am finished and full. Ah, yes. 

Ahi Salad-fresh, savory, filling and a healthy choice
This week, I tried to makeup for my time spent in the Big Easy and yet was tempted again with a "mandatory fun" day at a Washington Nat's game with beer, dogs, chili cheese and __________ (insert anything fried, delicious and greasy and it's there). 

My trick? I ate before I went to the game (thank you Subway) and had one drink while there and plenty of water. Good stuff. The smells and seeing everyone else around me gorge multiple meals in one sitting was enough to put me off. I smiled to myself thinking that they were eating my share of meal for the day. I don't know why but I enjoy watching other people eat when I don't. Say I want chocolate chip cookies: I prepare and bake them, give a few to the hubs and watch him relish with delight and that is enough for me. You would think I would get jealous or tempted, but instead feel great because I can watch others be happy eating and I can be happy in not adding those calories to my bum :) It's a win-win. I also enjoy Top Chef, Master Chef and Hell's Kitchen for the same reason: even if food is on my mind, I can choose to watch and not partake. Then, if I see an Extreme Weight Loss show, I feel even better that someone has conquered the quest of losing weight and feel great about themselves. Even better when they keep it off after the show.  

And now, for the results you've been anticipating!

Week 9 Results:
Weight: 192.6
Percent of Body Fat: 41.8%
BMI:  31.6
Water Weight: 42.4%
Week Til Goal: 58

Compared to Initial Weight-In:
Weight loss: -15.2 lbs
Percent of Body Fat: -2.5%
BMI: -2.6
Water Weight: +1.8%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -15 weeks (six weeks ahead of schedule)

And there we have it! Onto week 10!

Love w/ all my bum,


  1. 15.2lbs! I'm so proud of you!

  2. @Jen: Thanks so much! I know you are right behind me doing your thang! Keep up the good work!

  3. Great pictures of you and the lose of weight, good going gal, love ya, keep up the good work, I was impressed about your eating regime. Gram

  4. @Betty: Thanks so much. The support is the best gift!
