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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 14 Showcase Showdown!

Carissa, you have been selected to participate in the Price is Right! Come on down...and weigh yourself! Rut ro. Here I am again facing that silver scale, naked. Every week feels like I'm exposing some vulnerability to that device and every week it taunts me to dare step on it and not have lost weight. Have I ever felt so accountable to an electronic before? No. And yet, here we duel every week and the showcase showdown begins. Will I land on the dollar bill goal and win $1,000 or will I go over and lose all chances for the final showcase, or will I go under and have the small victory and chance to go at it again next week?
Bob Barker is now the name of my scale!
 That's basically how I feel every Thursday morning in my bathroom. Another shot to hit the mark. Another bet on myself, hoping and praying that I didn't lose against the house. 

I'll always bet on myself-win or lose

Every week I call into question my habits for the week. Did I fail in any way? Did I sneak an extra bite when I was full? Did I succumb to those office temptations? This week, I can say-yes, I nibbled here and there. BUT-did I make up for it with cardio and weight training? YES! With that said, here are the results of week 14:
Week 14:
Weight: 182
Percent of Body Fat: 39.8%
BMI: 29.9
Water Weight: 43.9%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 47

Initial Weigh-in Comparison:
Weight Day One: -25.8 lbs
Percent of Body Fat:  -4.5%
BMI: -4.3
Water Weight:  +3.3%
Weeks to Meet Goal:  -26 weeks (12 weeks ahead of schedule)

Two things to note: 

1. I AM NO LONGER OBESE! Holy crapola! Did I ever think today was going to be that day? Heck no because last week I gained 2 lbs. but oh how it feels so magical to not be in the danger zone. This is a huge step for me because I have really made a healthy change in my life. It's this sigh of relief that actually gets me excited.

2. I lost 4 lbs this week. Ahh, this is great because it's the most I've dropped in a week and it makes up for the fact that I gained 2 lbs last week. I am back and on track my friends. Woot woot!

As promised, pictures of my progress are in this blog. Again, no make-up, just me. And I am in the same bathing suit as before so there's an equal assessment. Don't you just hate how commercials for diets pills, Jenny Craig, etc. show this hefty person in hefty clothes and then the next image is well tailored outfit, hair done, makeup, etc? Shouldn't the results be enough? And let's face it, many of the before and after shots are of different people w/ similar features. You tell me if you notice any changes in my size/shape (it's hard to look at yourself without critiquing and seeing how much farther you have to go before sexy is officially back).

1st Original Before Pic:

2nd Original Before Photo:
3rd Original Before Photo:

4th Original Before Photo:

I hope y'all enjoyed these pics MUCH better than I do taking/looking at them. I cannot wait to have those final "after" shots done! I guess the main point is that overall, I do feel better, even if I mentally psyche myself out and give myself the guilt-trip every Thursday. On some of the photos, I see definite change (face shot, side shot), whereas in other photos I still see this yuck-o figure. But-I know I am healthier, and that's the goal overall.

Love w/ all my bum,


  1. WOW!!! I'm so proud! I tell you this every week, but Carissa...you look GREAT! Your face, you aren't as "wide". Wow! Absolutely amazing!

    Thank you for inspiring me! Can't wait to see next weeks. Keep up the great work. Yay for BMI!!!

  2. @Jennifer: Many thanks. I am so happy you are working towards the same goal! And, yes, I feel less "wide" hahaha

  3. Carissa you look awesome!! You can totally see the progress. Sexy is definitely coming back. Thanks JT. My official new workout song is by LMFAO -- "Girl look at that body.. I WORK OUT!" :D
