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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

End of Bikini Season & Summer-Whew!

Whew, August, you sure gave me a run for my money. This month came with so many ups and downs I don't even know where to begin! First, let's say goodbye to August-it's been real!

Ok, now that we've broken up w/ August, we can talk about her now, right?! This month, I hit mile stones that I am pretty proud of:

1. I reached a mini goal to lose 20 lbs
2. I ran 6k
3. People are beginning to notice the change in my weight

I should be celebrating and on cloud 9, correct? Incorrect. This month was particularly trying on my nerves and emotions, and therefore played into my workouts and eating habits. First, let me break down the month of 'happenings:'

1. Got a ticket for my car's loud exhaust
2. Got another ticket for my car's dark tint
3. Hit my head on my car door and now it looks like I have a 3rd eye growing-and not in a wisdom, Oracle or Buddha kind of way
4. Got my car towed @ the gym for parking in a non-parking, parking spot that I've used for 3 years
5. My husband and I will not be going on our vacation cruise because duty called
6. Neal left for training for 3 weeks and will therefore miss our 1 year anniversary

What happened to things coming and three's and then stopping?! I tried to remain positive, but something you just need to feel sorry for yourself and have that be ok. 

I was feeling pretty good about the weight loss and people noticing and of course, you can't help but want to reward yourself for a job well done. Since starting this, I have rewarded myself with workout apparel here and there. But throw in some emotional sadness and, well, you tend to reward yourself in other ways-like food. As you will note in my week 13 results, my emotional not caring about food led me to not lose any weight this week, but instead almost gain a pound. couple the emotions with premenstrual hunger and you get these results:

Week 13 results (I'm beginning to believe 13 is an unlucky number!):
Weight: 186.4
Body fat %: 40.3
Water %: 43.5%
BMI: 30.6
Weeks til goal: 51

Comparison to Initial Weigh-In
Weight Day One: -21.2 lbs (+.4 lbs) BOOO
Percent of Body Fat: -4.3 (more than last week) YAY!
BMI: -3.6
Water Weight: +1.3%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -22 (10 weeks ahead of schedule)

So after this hem and hawing, it's easy for me to lose motivation. 

"Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything....I Just Want To Lay in My Bed"-The Lazy Song, Bruno Mars

But then, the silver lining appears to me this morning. Sure, I gained .6 of a lb, but I DID lose body fat. Isn't that what it's really all about? More muscle, less fat! There is hope. And although Neal is gone for a bit, I get to more closely monitor my eating because feeding your husband a half sandwich and a cup of soup for dinner can be bad news for him, but perfectly acceptable and satiating for you. AND, I must admit that I was nervous about going on the cruise and gaining a bunch of weight and although I made my goal for that trip to simply not gain or lose anything, now I have an entire week more to sticking with the program and making up for my emotional eating this past week. 

We say goodbye to bikinis this week (thank you!) and we start rushing into the fall briskness and activities. I am personally looking forward to doing runs outside when it cools down just a little bit. This weekend, I will say goodbye to summer by camping in Pennsylvania with my parents and younger siblings. It should be a great distraction from August's activities and my hubby being gone, and I'll be able to get in some great outdoor exercise that I am excited about. I say this weekend outdoors will be much better than eating and drinking and partying with friends...or sitting at home wallowing. :)

Goodbye bikinis in 2011-I can't wait to have one of you suckers on when I have brought sexy back in 2012!

Love w/ all my bum,

1 comment:

  1. Yay for bringing sexy back. I don't care what people say - JT has some pretty sweet songs. Damn him! And I totally did not know you got all those tickets!! GEEZ!! I'm so sorry! (I know I'm late.. New York kept me from my weekly read. Yes, be jealous. :P) Keep up the good work.

    P.S. I am a FIRM believer that muscle weighs more than fat, so gaining weight is not always a bad thing if you know you've been working hard and putting your nose to the um... barbell? :D LOVE YOU!
