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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 16 update

Last week, I was a total goober and did not blog. I did, however, gain 2 lbs that week so maybe that minor humiliation planted a seed into my head not to blog. Ha! In actuality, I was on a mini vacation to Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio. And boy did I work up a HUGE appetite there from all the walking between 11am and 1am. WOW! I was certain this week I was going to gain weight. Thankfully, I did not and I lost not only those extra two pounds, but an additional 2. My suggestions for long weekends is to pack healthy snacks for the road, drink plenty of water and do not eat fast food along the way! On top of all the walking I did at the park, I got up early one morning and went for a brisk run. It wasn't much and I didn't push myself incredibly hard, but it is far better than doing nothing. It also set the tone for my day in that I began it healthy, so I don't want to ruin it with funnel cake and corn dogs. All in all, I'd say I had a fantastic week and was a lucky gal. 
Incredible views of Lake Erie atop the world's mecca for coaster junkies

So let's go ahead and get to the numbers for this week:

Week 16 results

Weight week 16: 180.6
Percent of Body Fat: 39.4%
BMI: 29.7
Water Weight: 44.2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 46

Initial Comparison

Total weight loss: -27.2 lbs
Percent of Body Fat loss: -4.9%
BMI points lost: -4.5 pts
Water Weight: +3.6%
Weeks left: -27 weeks

Like I said, not too shabby. There have been a few weeks where nothing has progressed, but then again, weight or not, my body is changing and being able to fit into things I haven't wore in years so that is a bonus! Besides, it's not always about the number, but the way you feel in your skin-right? It looks like I'm very close to losing 30 lbs and that, my friends, will be such a great day for me. And I'll be just shy of my half way point. I believe I mentioned in earlier posts that I am hoping to shed 10 more pounds for that Marine Corps ball so I need a motivation boost and to get on myself that much more. Wish me luck!

Looking forward, this Saturday, I will be doing my Warrior Dash. Training and completing this race was one of my mini-goals along the route of being healthy forever, and while I am nervous about the actual race, I couldn't be more excited that I have come this far in my workout routine that the week is here. 16 weeks people, I think I am well on my way to concreting this lifestyle change. 

Hopefully, I'll be joining this guy in the ranks of warriors, but I promise to let you all know how it goes after the run with hopefully some bad assery pictures to share of me from the event!

May the mud, sweat and beer be my treasure!

Love w/ all my bum,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 14 Showcase Showdown!

Carissa, you have been selected to participate in the Price is Right! Come on down...and weigh yourself! Rut ro. Here I am again facing that silver scale, naked. Every week feels like I'm exposing some vulnerability to that device and every week it taunts me to dare step on it and not have lost weight. Have I ever felt so accountable to an electronic before? No. And yet, here we duel every week and the showcase showdown begins. Will I land on the dollar bill goal and win $1,000 or will I go over and lose all chances for the final showcase, or will I go under and have the small victory and chance to go at it again next week?
Bob Barker is now the name of my scale!
 That's basically how I feel every Thursday morning in my bathroom. Another shot to hit the mark. Another bet on myself, hoping and praying that I didn't lose against the house. 

I'll always bet on myself-win or lose

Every week I call into question my habits for the week. Did I fail in any way? Did I sneak an extra bite when I was full? Did I succumb to those office temptations? This week, I can say-yes, I nibbled here and there. BUT-did I make up for it with cardio and weight training? YES! With that said, here are the results of week 14:
Week 14:
Weight: 182
Percent of Body Fat: 39.8%
BMI: 29.9
Water Weight: 43.9%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 47

Initial Weigh-in Comparison:
Weight Day One: -25.8 lbs
Percent of Body Fat:  -4.5%
BMI: -4.3
Water Weight:  +3.3%
Weeks to Meet Goal:  -26 weeks (12 weeks ahead of schedule)

Two things to note: 

1. I AM NO LONGER OBESE! Holy crapola! Did I ever think today was going to be that day? Heck no because last week I gained 2 lbs. but oh how it feels so magical to not be in the danger zone. This is a huge step for me because I have really made a healthy change in my life. It's this sigh of relief that actually gets me excited.

2. I lost 4 lbs this week. Ahh, this is great because it's the most I've dropped in a week and it makes up for the fact that I gained 2 lbs last week. I am back and on track my friends. Woot woot!

As promised, pictures of my progress are in this blog. Again, no make-up, just me. And I am in the same bathing suit as before so there's an equal assessment. Don't you just hate how commercials for diets pills, Jenny Craig, etc. show this hefty person in hefty clothes and then the next image is well tailored outfit, hair done, makeup, etc? Shouldn't the results be enough? And let's face it, many of the before and after shots are of different people w/ similar features. You tell me if you notice any changes in my size/shape (it's hard to look at yourself without critiquing and seeing how much farther you have to go before sexy is officially back).

1st Original Before Pic:

2nd Original Before Photo:
3rd Original Before Photo:

4th Original Before Photo:

I hope y'all enjoyed these pics MUCH better than I do taking/looking at them. I cannot wait to have those final "after" shots done! I guess the main point is that overall, I do feel better, even if I mentally psyche myself out and give myself the guilt-trip every Thursday. On some of the photos, I see definite change (face shot, side shot), whereas in other photos I still see this yuck-o figure. But-I know I am healthier, and that's the goal overall.

Love w/ all my bum,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 months!

It's been three months and I am in the groove of things. I have already had some goals reached and have many more to go. I have failed in some ways, and flourished in others. All in all, I think I have succeeded so far in what I have set out to do...make my bum smaller!

This week comes in without the BANG! and POW! I was hoping (i.e. more weight loss), but it is a celebration of changing some of my habits and replacing them with healthier ones. So let's jump right into my week 14 results comparing to that horrific initial weigh in:

Weight Day One: 207.8 vs today: 187.6 (20.2 lbs lost)
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3% vs today: 39.9% (-4.4% body fat loss)
BMI: 34.2 vs today: 30.8 (-3.4 pts)
Water Weight: 40.6% vs today: 43.8%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73 vs today: 53 weeks

I admit that I wish there were more dramatic changes occurring, but I also look forward to remembering these difficult times and being proud of pushing through it instead of letting me become a "should"er and excuse myself. I have made many errors throughout these 3 months of missing extra days of workouts and eating worse than I should from time to time, but overall these changes have also led me to lose twenty lbs and even more importantly, stop me from gaining additional weight this summer. Had I not made any changes to my life, I guarantee that I would have gained at least another 10 lbs over the summer and I would've been 217 lbs by now. 

When I reach mini-goals or timeline goals, I usually reward myself. I usually do this by getting another workout item. But I think that perhaps I was raised to overly praise myself when things are good, and shrug it off when things aren't as good as expected. 

That comic says it all. If you reward yourself too much, then what's the point? Rewards are about big goals being reached, etc. This month, I will not reward myself w/ a goody. I will reward myself with more determination in my cause. I have my Warrior Dash to train for and I'm going to need every ounce of energy put towards getting my endurance and distance running up. My goal for September is to get prepared for the Oct. 1st run. In October, my goal is to keep up that level of training and utilize that umpf to continue pushing myself into a tinier waistline for the Marine Corps Ball mid-November. My reward will be shopping for the perfect dress to bring a mini-sexy back. I know I will not be at my target weight by November, but I sure as shoot better be around the half way mark! I'm hoping to have lost 10-15 lbs by then putting me around 172. I want to get there and I would be almost right on the mark of half way! Just thinking of that, and doing it in 2 months makes my insides tingle with excitement.

My workout buddy, Stephanie, suggested that it might be time for some more bikini pictures to show you all the progress my body has been making, not just the numbers. Even though I cannot bare the thought of putting on another bikini for exposure sake, stay tuned for those. They couldn't possibly be worse than the "Goals or Ghouls" post! 

Thanks for your continued support Bum followers.

Love w/ all my bum,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

End of Bikini Season & Summer-Whew!

Whew, August, you sure gave me a run for my money. This month came with so many ups and downs I don't even know where to begin! First, let's say goodbye to August-it's been real!

Ok, now that we've broken up w/ August, we can talk about her now, right?! This month, I hit mile stones that I am pretty proud of:

1. I reached a mini goal to lose 20 lbs
2. I ran 6k
3. People are beginning to notice the change in my weight

I should be celebrating and on cloud 9, correct? Incorrect. This month was particularly trying on my nerves and emotions, and therefore played into my workouts and eating habits. First, let me break down the month of 'happenings:'

1. Got a ticket for my car's loud exhaust
2. Got another ticket for my car's dark tint
3. Hit my head on my car door and now it looks like I have a 3rd eye growing-and not in a wisdom, Oracle or Buddha kind of way
4. Got my car towed @ the gym for parking in a non-parking, parking spot that I've used for 3 years
5. My husband and I will not be going on our vacation cruise because duty called
6. Neal left for training for 3 weeks and will therefore miss our 1 year anniversary

What happened to things coming and three's and then stopping?! I tried to remain positive, but something you just need to feel sorry for yourself and have that be ok. 

I was feeling pretty good about the weight loss and people noticing and of course, you can't help but want to reward yourself for a job well done. Since starting this, I have rewarded myself with workout apparel here and there. But throw in some emotional sadness and, well, you tend to reward yourself in other ways-like food. As you will note in my week 13 results, my emotional not caring about food led me to not lose any weight this week, but instead almost gain a pound. couple the emotions with premenstrual hunger and you get these results:

Week 13 results (I'm beginning to believe 13 is an unlucky number!):
Weight: 186.4
Body fat %: 40.3
Water %: 43.5%
BMI: 30.6
Weeks til goal: 51

Comparison to Initial Weigh-In
Weight Day One: -21.2 lbs (+.4 lbs) BOOO
Percent of Body Fat: -4.3 (more than last week) YAY!
BMI: -3.6
Water Weight: +1.3%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -22 (10 weeks ahead of schedule)

So after this hem and hawing, it's easy for me to lose motivation. 

"Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything....I Just Want To Lay in My Bed"-The Lazy Song, Bruno Mars

But then, the silver lining appears to me this morning. Sure, I gained .6 of a lb, but I DID lose body fat. Isn't that what it's really all about? More muscle, less fat! There is hope. And although Neal is gone for a bit, I get to more closely monitor my eating because feeding your husband a half sandwich and a cup of soup for dinner can be bad news for him, but perfectly acceptable and satiating for you. AND, I must admit that I was nervous about going on the cruise and gaining a bunch of weight and although I made my goal for that trip to simply not gain or lose anything, now I have an entire week more to sticking with the program and making up for my emotional eating this past week. 

We say goodbye to bikinis this week (thank you!) and we start rushing into the fall briskness and activities. I am personally looking forward to doing runs outside when it cools down just a little bit. This weekend, I will say goodbye to summer by camping in Pennsylvania with my parents and younger siblings. It should be a great distraction from August's activities and my hubby being gone, and I'll be able to get in some great outdoor exercise that I am excited about. I say this weekend outdoors will be much better than eating and drinking and partying with friends...or sitting at home wallowing. :)

Goodbye bikinis in 2011-I can't wait to have one of you suckers on when I have brought sexy back in 2012!

Love w/ all my bum,