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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Madness!

We are officially in the green month! And man have I been green with envy with the blossoming bodies and cut physiques that are all over Pinterest! It's so motivational and every time I see a bod that looks amazing I say to myself "keep at it..YOU will be like that." As I look into my weigh in for the week, I'm quite frankly, a GREEN monster! LOL. I did two a days at the gym all week and have been eating so well. Yet, I didn't lose any weight...in fact, I gained a 6th of a pound. What gives with that?!

This week's weigh-in:
Weight: 172.6
Body Fat %: 37.8%
BMI: 28.4
Weeks til goal: 38

My only thought is that my body needs to catch up to the extra work I am doing. I was so frustrated this morning that I talked to my TNT coach about it. He looked at my food log (I started keeping one over the last few weeks at his direction) and recommended an entire shift of my diet. More meals, more protein, less crap than I barely allow myself now. Woof. But he does say that altering my intake of food (not to be confused with an actual diet-which I am totally against) can assist me in losing 15-20 lbs in weeks. Basically, the protein increase will help my body build the muscle I am trying to build. It will also process faster than a lot of the food I currently eat that converts into sugars (fruits) and carbs (starchy veggies). 

Here I was thinking that my eating was B+/A- game and boy was I wrong. LOL. My current eating is still infinitely more consciousness health-wise than what I was eating prior to starting this journey...but the adjustment in my normal routine is kind of like taking the next step towards being a forever fit kinda gal. So there's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. It's going to be an upward climb, but after awhile, it will see easy and effortless.......and the payout of gold will be the tone in my body and reaching my fitness goals :) The biggest thing is what we've all heard before, eating meals throughout the day in smaller quantities. 

I currently do:
After Lunch Snack

My new plan is:

My snacks have also consisted of yogurt covered pretzels to a cookie here and there (I crave sweetness in the afternoon apparently) and will now be substituted w/ almonds, fro-yo, berries, maybe even a shake w/ high fiber and protein, etc. I'll give it a go and see if I feel or notice any difference in my life. 

Next week starts the 12 week training program for my half marathon. I am actually looking forward to following a program as it's already pre-thought out for me so all I have to do is follow the directions and I will succeed! 

March, I feel, is going to be my Spring. There's a newness about everything and the beginnings of many more things to come. I welcome the changes in my body towards its betterment and I welcome the challenge of doing what I have to do to reach my goals. The most important part of it all is my accountability to my words and keeping pumped and motivated to keep pushing myself. 

Something also new will be pics every 2 weeks instead of every few months. I'm not looking forward to this AT ALL but apparently it will help with both the accountability and the motivation as I have been told that I will begin noticing changes every few weeks with myself. I can only dream right now-but wouldn't that be nice?

All these changes can make one emotional, but I keep telling myself that I have to put my old habits to rest so that I can adopt new, healthier habits. It can be so maddening to let go, but let go I must. I also think it's somewhat harder to make these changes by choice. However, the logic is the same, right? A person who recently discovers they have diabetes has to change their eating habits and say goodbye to sugar. Say goodbye or risk death. The same could he said about eating unhealthy....say goodbye or face a slow, patient, death that consumes your psyche and mental well being as well as your arteries and physical well being. Let's face it---it's just tough but the choice is yours. 
Exactly the point I'm trying to make! Well said ,Ms. Wigmore, well said.

I look forward to next week where I hope to have made significant progress all around and will be happy to report back!

Here's to the spring, here's to the madness, here's to achieving your goals!

Love w/ ALLLLLLLL that bum I got,

OHHHHH! I forgot to say a HUGE thing this week: I ran an EIGHT minute mile yesterday! HOLY CRAPPPPP! 

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