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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Off to San Francisco!

Good morning bum followers!

Another week down means another week closer to my goal, and would you know that I dropped another pound and some points between this week and last? So a great start to the blog indeed! 

So here’s the breakdown:
Weight Today: 168
Percent of Body Fat: 36.6%
BMI: 27.2
Water Weight: 46.2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 33

Beginning Breakdown:
Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Caloric Intake Should Be: 2127 cal/day
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73

So I have finally caught back up to where I was in December. I chalk it up to another loop-de-loop I don't want to see happen again. Seriously, it took me 2 months to drop that increased 5 lbs. Not cool. My weight hasn't been fluctuating much, but my body certainly has. There are clothes from 2 weeks ago that I fit into now. That change, in 2 weeks, is incredible. I also tried on some shorts that I had last year since we've been having such beautiful weather and my hips wouldn't even hold them up. STELLAR! Sometimes the numbers don't show the changes happening to your waistline! 

Another good thing to note is that I am half way away in BMI points to be in the "normal" weight category (18.5-24.9). I'm right at 27.2 so only 2.3 points away from medical normalcy. haha! It seems like you lose a point for every 10+ pounds so I have a bit to go but progress is progress. 

Moving along, I feel great about my eating habits. I have been on a "not eating out kick" that I told you back in February and although I get the craving to hit up Subway or Quizno's after the gym and been essentially avoiding them, I have been cooking more meals at home and turning traditional meals I love into lean meals. Pinterest has helped me find some amazing recipes that are low cal, low carb...like zucchini pizza's and yogurt drops for snacking. I'd recommend checking out the fitness section for some great motivation as well as new ways to approach comfort food. I know it sounds crazy, but my cravings have also changed a bit from the fatty crap to the lean and green. Yesterday, I was dying for an ice cold salad! My how times are a changin'. Don't get me wrong, going to a fair would still be tough to handle the funnel cake smell, etc. but for the moment, I am proud of having a distaste for all things fried. 

My whole not eating out is about to change though as I make a week long business trip starting tomorrow. This is ALWAYS tough to keep strict and ALWAYS easy to let yourself slide and excuse yourself from staying on top of your healthy habits while traveling. I still have my half-marathon schedule to keep me focused and driven and with 16 hour work days (no joke) while I am out there, it will take THAT much more determination to get my bum in the gym! I am also hoping that perhaps blogging more while I am out there would help keep me accountable and in check...but we shall see. My biggest thing is to not do as my co-workers do and drink a lot and then gorge on all the free food. Moderation will HAVE to be my sidekick. No excuses. I won't be able to do my weigh-in next week, but there WILL be a punishment for any weight gain when I come back to the scale two Thursday's from today. I'm thinking that punishment will come in the form of a boot camp style workout with the husband yelling at me and making me do horrible burpies and sit ups...yuck.

Did anyone make a fitness bucket list last week? Share some with the group of what's on your fitness to-do list!

Wish me luck in San Fran! I hope to not leave my heart there, but some of my fat instead! haha

Cheerio and love w/ all my bum,

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