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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Off to San Francisco!

Good morning bum followers!

Another week down means another week closer to my goal, and would you know that I dropped another pound and some points between this week and last? So a great start to the blog indeed! 

So here’s the breakdown:
Weight Today: 168
Percent of Body Fat: 36.6%
BMI: 27.2
Water Weight: 46.2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 33

Beginning Breakdown:
Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Caloric Intake Should Be: 2127 cal/day
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73

So I have finally caught back up to where I was in December. I chalk it up to another loop-de-loop I don't want to see happen again. Seriously, it took me 2 months to drop that increased 5 lbs. Not cool. My weight hasn't been fluctuating much, but my body certainly has. There are clothes from 2 weeks ago that I fit into now. That change, in 2 weeks, is incredible. I also tried on some shorts that I had last year since we've been having such beautiful weather and my hips wouldn't even hold them up. STELLAR! Sometimes the numbers don't show the changes happening to your waistline! 

Another good thing to note is that I am half way away in BMI points to be in the "normal" weight category (18.5-24.9). I'm right at 27.2 so only 2.3 points away from medical normalcy. haha! It seems like you lose a point for every 10+ pounds so I have a bit to go but progress is progress. 

Moving along, I feel great about my eating habits. I have been on a "not eating out kick" that I told you back in February and although I get the craving to hit up Subway or Quizno's after the gym and been essentially avoiding them, I have been cooking more meals at home and turning traditional meals I love into lean meals. Pinterest has helped me find some amazing recipes that are low cal, low carb...like zucchini pizza's and yogurt drops for snacking. I'd recommend checking out the fitness section for some great motivation as well as new ways to approach comfort food. I know it sounds crazy, but my cravings have also changed a bit from the fatty crap to the lean and green. Yesterday, I was dying for an ice cold salad! My how times are a changin'. Don't get me wrong, going to a fair would still be tough to handle the funnel cake smell, etc. but for the moment, I am proud of having a distaste for all things fried. 

My whole not eating out is about to change though as I make a week long business trip starting tomorrow. This is ALWAYS tough to keep strict and ALWAYS easy to let yourself slide and excuse yourself from staying on top of your healthy habits while traveling. I still have my half-marathon schedule to keep me focused and driven and with 16 hour work days (no joke) while I am out there, it will take THAT much more determination to get my bum in the gym! I am also hoping that perhaps blogging more while I am out there would help keep me accountable and in check...but we shall see. My biggest thing is to not do as my co-workers do and drink a lot and then gorge on all the free food. Moderation will HAVE to be my sidekick. No excuses. I won't be able to do my weigh-in next week, but there WILL be a punishment for any weight gain when I come back to the scale two Thursday's from today. I'm thinking that punishment will come in the form of a boot camp style workout with the husband yelling at me and making me do horrible burpies and sit ups...yuck.

Did anyone make a fitness bucket list last week? Share some with the group of what's on your fitness to-do list!

Wish me luck in San Fran! I hope to not leave my heart there, but some of my fat instead! haha

Cheerio and love w/ all my bum,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Bucket List

 Welcome to a new week of my version of Springtime! We have been having gorgeous weather in Virginia and I honestly could not wait to take advantage of this weather, so I got my bum up early this morning so I could run around a beautiful lake near my house. The sounds, smells, and fresh air made me realize how blessed I am. In the big picture, some people cannot run and yet there are times I excuse myself from it. For the most part, I am injury free, have all my limbs and am able bodied. That in and of itself is worth getting your bum outside and active. 

New on the docket this week is that my half marathon training kicks off this week. It's a slow progression 12 week program where essentially I add an extra mile onto my Saturday runs and gradually increase my weeklies. What feels amazing is that in a January post "Ringing in 2012 without the Bells, Whistles, & Shenanigans" I spoke of goals I wanted to accomplish in the next few months. I am happy to report that I have accomplished all of them! My self-doubt had me fooled in that I was just writing them as an example, but rather, I wanted to do these things but for whatever reason didn't think I was going to do it. But I did and that's always a proud moment. 

Other new news (hahaha) is that this week I made a "fitness bucket list." I encourage all you bum followers to do the same. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. In this case, a list of fitness related activities and goals you want to do before you 'kick the bucket.' Here's what mine looks like:

Nothing too fancy, but what's more important are those slips hanging out!
I drew a bucket and then, in a word doc, I typed out some items that I want to do in my fitness lifetime. Of course, this is a non-exhaustive list, but I added about 20 to get me started. Here's what I have so far:
 Run a half marathon
 Run a marathon
 Run a race at the beach
 Run a race in another country
Bench press my weight
Do 10 unassisted pull ups
Get to 135 lbs
Get to the 120s again

Maintain my weight goal for a year

Fit into size 8 pants

Fit into size 6 pants
Witness my own musculature in the mirror

Bike 20 miles again

Run the DC monuments 

Learn to kayak

Go white water rafting again

Rock Climb a wall and don’t stop til I get to the top

Do a ropes course
Do husband's military obstacle course
Do a set of one armed push ups

Learn and hold one crazy yoga position (like feet over my head while propped on my forearms)

After compiling this brief list, I wrote a reward related or matching the level of the goal on the back of each paper (ranging from personal pride, buy a new workout outfit, get a massage, shopping spree, to a weekend getaway with gal pals). If this does not motivate you, I'm not sure what will! Let yourself dream the seemingly impossible. You'd be surprised when you reach that goal you set years ago. 

Onto the weigh-in!

Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73

Weight Today: 169.4
Percent of Body Fat: 37.6%
BMI: 27.8
Water Weight: 45.5%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 34

Last week I was a green monster for having not lost any weight. this week I lost 3.2 lbs! So I am happy again :)  It's always a boost to see your scale drop some numbers off. 

Get out there, be thankful for your health and go get active and enjoy the springtime weather! And if March is bringing you showers, dance in the rain or take the time to make your own fitness bucket list!

Love w/ all my bum,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Madness!

We are officially in the green month! And man have I been green with envy with the blossoming bodies and cut physiques that are all over Pinterest! It's so motivational and every time I see a bod that looks amazing I say to myself "keep at it..YOU will be like that." As I look into my weigh in for the week, I'm quite frankly, a GREEN monster! LOL. I did two a days at the gym all week and have been eating so well. Yet, I didn't lose any weight...in fact, I gained a 6th of a pound. What gives with that?!

This week's weigh-in:
Weight: 172.6
Body Fat %: 37.8%
BMI: 28.4
Weeks til goal: 38

My only thought is that my body needs to catch up to the extra work I am doing. I was so frustrated this morning that I talked to my TNT coach about it. He looked at my food log (I started keeping one over the last few weeks at his direction) and recommended an entire shift of my diet. More meals, more protein, less crap than I barely allow myself now. Woof. But he does say that altering my intake of food (not to be confused with an actual diet-which I am totally against) can assist me in losing 15-20 lbs in weeks. Basically, the protein increase will help my body build the muscle I am trying to build. It will also process faster than a lot of the food I currently eat that converts into sugars (fruits) and carbs (starchy veggies). 

Here I was thinking that my eating was B+/A- game and boy was I wrong. LOL. My current eating is still infinitely more consciousness health-wise than what I was eating prior to starting this journey...but the adjustment in my normal routine is kind of like taking the next step towards being a forever fit kinda gal. So there's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. It's going to be an upward climb, but after awhile, it will see easy and effortless.......and the payout of gold will be the tone in my body and reaching my fitness goals :) The biggest thing is what we've all heard before, eating meals throughout the day in smaller quantities. 

I currently do:
After Lunch Snack

My new plan is:

My snacks have also consisted of yogurt covered pretzels to a cookie here and there (I crave sweetness in the afternoon apparently) and will now be substituted w/ almonds, fro-yo, berries, maybe even a shake w/ high fiber and protein, etc. I'll give it a go and see if I feel or notice any difference in my life. 

Next week starts the 12 week training program for my half marathon. I am actually looking forward to following a program as it's already pre-thought out for me so all I have to do is follow the directions and I will succeed! 

March, I feel, is going to be my Spring. There's a newness about everything and the beginnings of many more things to come. I welcome the changes in my body towards its betterment and I welcome the challenge of doing what I have to do to reach my goals. The most important part of it all is my accountability to my words and keeping pumped and motivated to keep pushing myself. 

Something also new will be pics every 2 weeks instead of every few months. I'm not looking forward to this AT ALL but apparently it will help with both the accountability and the motivation as I have been told that I will begin noticing changes every few weeks with myself. I can only dream right now-but wouldn't that be nice?

All these changes can make one emotional, but I keep telling myself that I have to put my old habits to rest so that I can adopt new, healthier habits. It can be so maddening to let go, but let go I must. I also think it's somewhat harder to make these changes by choice. However, the logic is the same, right? A person who recently discovers they have diabetes has to change their eating habits and say goodbye to sugar. Say goodbye or risk death. The same could he said about eating unhealthy....say goodbye or face a slow, patient, death that consumes your psyche and mental well being as well as your arteries and physical well being. Let's face it---it's just tough but the choice is yours. 
Exactly the point I'm trying to make! Well said ,Ms. Wigmore, well said.

I look forward to next week where I hope to have made significant progress all around and will be happy to report back!

Here's to the spring, here's to the madness, here's to achieving your goals!

Love w/ ALLLLLLLL that bum I got,

OHHHHH! I forgot to say a HUGE thing this week: I ran an EIGHT minute mile yesterday! HOLY CRAPPPPP! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The 600 lb. Choice

This week, I decided to touch on the topic of life choices. I watched a special last night about a 600 lb. woman who said that no matter what she eats, she keeps gaining weight and that nothing was her fault. It was difficult to look at her without judging the situation she was in…surely; no one ate for her, right? Surely, she would know if she had a thyroid problem 350 lbs ago? The causes the doctors suggested were severe depression, emotional eating and an addiction to food-no diseases, etc. that led her to gain this extreme weight. Her six daughters were fed up with their lives being consumed by their mother’s constant need for bathing, bathroom breaks, etc. as she had been immobile for years. This situation made me think about the choices I’ve made in the past that have landed me in my current state and more importantly (and what I’m focusing this post on) the decisions I made that got away from me in a blink of an eye like this woman’s extreme obesity. No one wakes up thinking that “Hey, in 3 years I’m not going to be able to get out of bed because I will be so overweight that my legs won’t be able to carry me” and certainly this woman let her weight escape from her by ignoring her appearance, her body, and even her children. There are decisions I made years ago that I didn’t realize would have effects long after. It’s these decisions that ‘got away from me’ and soon enough, I had no one to blame but myself for the missteps.
Looking back to where it all began, it’s easy for me to pinpoint the start of the health decline. I ate horribly in high school and college. In high school, it was portion crazy. Fortunately for me, I was round-the-year in sports programs, so the crazy big portions were worked off. Even in the summer months, I was playing softball for Germany (no joke, I played for the German women’s league representing the country-pretty cool!) and doing two-a-days with the team. Basically, I ate whatever I wanted and it was EXTREMELY carb-heavy. My parents even dubbed me the “pasta queen” because of my deep affection for all things noodle. It was easy for me, because weighing in at 121 lbs, barely eating lunch, pounding dinner, and frequently having a ramen noodle for breakfast, there were no consequences with sports & a high metabolism on my fitness level on my weight.
However, going to college presented a catastrophe. They don’t call it the freshman 15 for nothing, and accounting for a lack of mucho income to buy healthy food, fried goodies and cheap thrills at the grocery store proved my hunger salvation. Some decent flirting landed me quite a few out-to-eat dates and more decisions to eat unhealthy cemented into my routine that lasted 5 years. Couple this wave of even more unhealthy eating and a lack of round the year sports, freshman 15 turned into sophomore 30. I know I depict myself as being a heffer monster, which I wasn’t at the time. Most college students have been in the same situation, and I personally believe more so for students that were forever used to team sports. See, I was never required to workout by myself (and running laps was punishment), so how in the world and why in the world would I want to go at it solo in college? To be honest, I enjoyed putting on the pounds because I was free to choose whatever I wanted. I also was told by a physician in high school that my chest would forever be small because I had stunted my growth due to the constant sports. In college, I went from a barely A to a feminine C cup. It felt wonderful to actually have a chest! I know that sounds odd, but to me, always having a large bum and a non-equal chest made me feel disproportionate and I felt like I attracted a specific group of men: the ‘butt’ guys. 
So let’s add up the factors:
   (eating oversized portions in high school) + (eating crap food in college) = unhealthy eating routine post college and excusing myself for being accountable to me and my body.
It wasn’t until my pre-husband went on deployment that I wanted to get back to the gym (Jan 2008). I had so much stress, worry & anxiety that I felt helpless and out of control. I weighed myself and felt like a dump truck. At that time, I was the exact weight I am currently at today. I started hitting the gym and did so for 5 months and dropped 40 lbs. The key was that I was working out, eating right portions and healthier food and had nothing but time to get fit in preparation for his return. I also hadn’t consumed any alcohol. I was successful in this endeavor and felt great. However, upon his return, we went back to the routine I had before and with all the homecoming celebrations and ‘you are home let’s stare into each other’s eyes and order Chinese’ I quickly fell back into the pit I was previously in (excusing myself and all).

And this is where it all slipped from me.

I had been on such a good kick, but for the wrong reasons. I wasn’t becoming health conscious for myself or for the sake of being healthy and fit (even though I was eating right). I rather wanted to look ‘smokin’ for my returning hero. Never mind the fit and health benefits staying permanent (even though I would have loved to stay there). What this ended up turning into was the longest yo-yo ever. I shoot myself in the foot every time I think about how much I had lost and didn’t maintain, especially since I am 7 months into a workout routine and fitness lifestyle and have JUST NOW reached what was my starting point prior to that ‘get fit’ phase. *SSSSIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHH*
To summarize, my 600 lb. story is that my roots did not teach me how to eat healthy and control/balance my portions. I had a high metabolism and worked out all the time-so it didn’t matter, right? WRONG. Again, college was the same. Then, when I did get the kick, I let years slip away by stopping the routine and allowing myself to be excused from paying attention to my body and its changes. I failed to listen to my body scream for exercise and like I said in 2011, I avoided mirrors like the plague because it was evidence of my years of excuses.
Following up on the show, her life decisions could have taken her life and were weeks from it; however, she took life into her hands, made the choice to live and did what needed to be done to get fit and healthy. It was a remarkable tale of bouncing back…but at what cost and what damage to others??
You’ve undoubtedly slipped before or are in the process of slipping…the question is---will it take 600 lbs to snap out of it? How far will you go before you do something and choose to live!?
Reflecting on those 2 questions can help you come to the same epiphany I did last June when I began this journey. I choose a healthy life because I do want to be an example to others (my friends, husband, family, future children) and I want to be around long enough to enjoy all the things life has to offer…I’ll be damned if I let being over-weight be a factor in my life. No sir, not me. No more. Does that mean I will let my weight control my life (winning or losing weight)? No. But what it does mean is that I have chosen to be balanced, fit, comfortable in my skin, and present. I will not see weight as a crutch for anything and everything and I will eliminate the factors and routines I had in the past that were gateways to letting my weight (and essentially my confidence), slip away. 
You don’t have to be 600 lbs to decide to get in control of your life. You can evaluate where you are now, where you could be, and where you want to be. Now, go get it.

Onto my weigh in:
Weight: 172
Body Fat %: 38%
BMI: 28.3
Weeks til goal: 37

I lost almost 4 lbs this week and I.AM.PROUD. I feel like I’m back on the saddle. Mentally, I never left, but physically, it wasn’t all there and it took my body almost a month to catch up to my workouts. Losing weight on the scale feels so much more rewarding than seeing nothing move, except up.

To sum it up…no matter your upbringing with eating habits, you CAN change your routine. You control what your future holds…just don’t wait til it is too late.

Love with all my bum,