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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

1/2 a year later, the glass is half full. 6 months

Can you believe that it's been SIX whole months already?! Amazing. In six months I feel like I have endured and accomplished so much. I never would've guessed in June that by December I'd be running a 15K, will have gained warrior status and be 40ish pounds lighter. Incredible.

This week, I had to face the music that not everyone would be happy for me. I never thought that this transformation would affect anyone else in a negative way, but I guess they don't call it drama for no reason. Some of you may already know that my beloved running buddy and I (my neighbor of whom I have spoken about on here) have called it quits on one another. I finally had to break ties and depend on myself to accomplish my goals. I think this is for the best because now no one can pass my victories off as their own personal accomplishments. Aside from that, I no longer have to hear horrible, hurtful comments throughout this process from her.

For example:
1. "I can't run your pace anymore because it's too slow that it hurts my knees"
2. "Running with you always feels like an accomplishment to me because I know that you are struggling and I could do circles around you in the same run"
3. "You do not acknowledge the fact that I took time and effort out of my day to make you run harder, faster and longer. You wouldn't have been able to do it without me"

If you EVER EVER run across someone who will put doubt in your head about yourself while you are working towards something healthy and positive---RUN away as fast as you can. Although I am deeply hurt by these comments, they also give me fuel. This horrible experience has given me a great lesson about setting goals and doing them solo as well as helping me recognize that it's not just the "shoulder's" that can guilt you about being healthy. There will always be someone who will talk negatively about your progress-especially if they are not accomplishing anything on their end. This situation will be an overall healing process but I think any decent person will end up on the right side of things eventually. Overall, I am ready to come up for air with the clean break.

So onto the Hot Chocolate 15K. What an experience. I had the greatest support system yet at this run and I was pretty emotional while running the second half of the run.
My supporters decorated my home and car "Run like you stole something!" haha
I just couldn't believe I got up at 5 am and was running 9.3 miles. Cold weather, long waits, narrow path, etc. just didn't seem to matter as I ran because the bigger picture was that I had signed up for something I didn't personally believe I could do 2 months ago, trained for it and yet, there I was running it with ease.
Half way point
I think the best part was that I didn't feel tired while running and I barely felt sore. It was as if I was MEANT to be running it.
My bum running!
 I may not have been the fastest person there...but I laced up, showed up, and finished strong.
Emotional Finish!
The best part was finishing, the second best part was pacing an 11 minute mile the entire time. In my long distance runs while training, I never did better than a 12 min mile and some change. And yet, race day comes and I run a minute per mile faster?!
Heck yea, I did it!
And then we had some chocolate fondue!

Who wouldn't be excited about chocolate fondue afterwards?! But for the record, it's much better to run for beer!

WOW! Another cool thing was that I already feel ready to look to the next step: a whopping half marathon. That's some serious business. 13.1 miles my friends. I'm thinking late Spring, early Summer with a few smaller races in between to keep me focused.

And now for the main event. Drum roll please: Week 26 breakdown!

Weight 6 months ago
Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73

Weight Week 26: 166.8 (down 41 lbs)
Percent of Body Fat: 36.5% (down 7.8%)
BMI: 27.4 (down 6.8 pts)
Water Weight: 46.3% (up 1.3%)
Weeks to Meet Goal: 36

I've surpassed the big 4-0! This feels great! I am so happy for this next mini goal being reached. And for November's goal to lose 10 lbs. I was so very close to making it...but missed the mark by a pound. Pooey. Close enough for grenades in my book.

As I look to the next six months, it would be great to accomplish the half-marathon, be almost bikini ready, and feeling more full of energy and positivity than I have the first 6 months. Also I very much want my BMI in NORMAL range (under 25 points). As I look back on the past six months, it has been a rollercoaster of getting used to the newness in my life. I hope that my hubby will now climb on board the healthy lifestyle train along with me as that will make eating around the house that much easier. I also intend to cook more homemade meals and eat more veggies. 
On the road to success

Next week, I'll post some updated bikini pictures (woof) so you can see the difference over the past 3 months. I'll also show you a picture of me and my starting out pair of jeans. Speaking of jeans-I now fit in a size 10 (started at a tight 16) and I even have a pair of size 8 jeans that I can zip! Oh yea!
I sympathize with the hippo but cannot wait to NOT be a hippo anymore!

I cannot thank you all enough for offering me real support, being real friends, and being genuinely proud of my accomplishments. 

Here's to the next 6 months bum followers!

Love w/ all my bum

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