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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

19 coming clean! Secrets of Indulgences...

19 weeks!

Hi Everybody! Welcome to the wonderous world of healthy! Week 19 was pretty good overall. I can tell I’ve been in a funk lately about my weight and fitness-although I am making accomplishments and am proud of my work, I guess I am just ready for this weight to be off already! I’ve recently started watching Biggest Loser and it’s frustrating to see these people losing 40 lbs in 4 weeks while I am at 4 months and barely near 30. I guess that’s what being on a ranch with trainers all day will do to you. Not realistic. So I guess I am better off with my consistency than a cram session with the potential for yo-yo’ing back to obesity. 

This week, I had the pipe in my master bathroom burst and flood a portion of the house. Stressful, right? You know what I wanted to do? Eat away the emotion. You know what I didn’t do? EAT. It’s so easy to be faced with a challenge and simply ‘give-in’ to old habits. Although I missed working out that day, I prevented a disaster by not resorting to temptations of greasy food. 

Speaking of old habits. I thought I would share some things with you. A few days prior to the pipe burst, I tried McDonalds and let me tell you-even though I was never a frequenter to Micky D’s, after 4 months of not eating that processed crap, having it in my stomach made me sick. I could taste the chemicals, feel the grime in my throat, and almost literally felt the fries inch their way into my waistline. I will not be experimental like that in the future. It truly is amazing how much one can get addicted to these high cal, high fat, high sugars and salt food and not even realize that the craving and want for more of it is actually an addiction. I’ve been there. And this trip to McDonald’s got my mind buzzing about my past eating habits. So I’m going to share 5 of my secret indulgences.

  1. I could substitute a meal and eat 1-2 top ramens at any one sitting. I would melt cheddar cheese on it as well and eat it that way. Secret: on many cold occasions, a packet would be breakfast. Ewww.
  2. I could eat a bag a chips and then go right to something sweet, like sour candy, and then want something salty. I felt like I had to balance one thing with the other and ended up finishing off 4 things before stopping. 
  3. If I wanted to start a diet or watch what I ate, I would first start by eating everything bad in the house to “get it out of my system” and to not “waste it by throwing it out.” This binge has happened on more than one occasion because I had to “remove” all the temptations out of the kitchen only to go grocery shopping and buy snacks for my husband that he wouldn’t get around to eating that would eventually pile up and need to be eaten by someone else (i.e. me).
  4. Fast food. I wasn’t a huge fast food eater but you can bet your butt I secretly had a few trips there and disposed of the evidence in my car before entering the house
  5. The lunchroom at work snacks. I’ve shown you one month of snacks to give you a sense of what enters that lunchroom every week. That month is no different than any other month at my office. Can you imagine doubling all that around the holidays? Now, imagine that before, I would grab at least one item that was brought into that kitchen each time something was brought in. Seems harmless at first, but add up the cupcakes, donuts, etc. and that’s close to 265 additional calories a week-almost 10,600 calories in a year and 3 wasted pounds for snacking just in the office alone!

I don’t believe that I was really overboard in what I did and reading this doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. However, these are the snacks and things I can't think of or have lost in my recollection. Imagine all the items I ate randomly on the couch in front of the TV I’m not thinking of. And the ‘snacks’ I ate that equated to one of my meal sizes now. I was overboard with how much I ate when I sat down. My husband is 1 foot and 2 inches taller than me and at one point I was eating as much (and sometimes more) than him in a sitting. AND he doesn’t eat all three meals of the day! Geesh! The biggest thing for me to cut down was how often we ate out, what I ordered when we did eat out, and how large my portions were for any sitting. 

And what about our fat habits? Sure, there are eating habits but what about the way in which we “deal” with the weight?  I’m going to share 10 embarrassing ways I ‘hid’ my weight from myself and others:
  1. Avoid ALL mirrors
  2. Never, ever, ever look at myself naked or look down whilst naked
  3. Thank the stars that long shirts are in style. Basically, ALL of my pants could not be buttoned (some couldn’t be zipped either). I would either leave the button undone and wear a thick, longer shirt –or- I would wear a long sweater and roll the unzipped, unbuttoned portion of the pants inward and against my skin so they wouldn’t fold out and be noticed. 
  4. Wear husband’s bigger pjs and clothes around the house so he thinks I’m being cute in his clothes as opposed to a fatty-pants who can’t fit into her own pjs/clothes any more.
  5. Lights off sex anyone? How about avoiding contact from significant other because you fear they might squeeze a roll and point it out or focus on it?
  6. I’ve taken blue and white eyeshadow and put it on my inner thighs to make it look like a distressed pant and conceal the rip of a pant that I busted the seam of. Yep. Totally happened
  7. Been so focused on not looking at myself when dressing to discover later that I put my underwear on inside out and backwards…thank goodness it wasn’t a thong!
  8. Stopped wearing heels altogether because the shoe felt like it was going to snap in half as the heel portion would bend outwards under the pressure of my weight
  9. Secret candy stash in drawer @ the office.
  10. Holding my breath while going up stairs so no one can hear my puffing along the route
WOW! I can't believe that was shared-but I hope you got a laugh (in my case a tear) out of my secrets!

Moving along, let’s focus on the positives from this week!
  1. I ran a mile in 8  .  35 minutes. I literally have not done that…EVER!
  2. I had 3 people comment on my weight loss this week :) 
  3. I have actually been able to get my bum into a pair of medium running shorts my best friend got me two years ago that have NEVER fit-----that is until TODAY!
  4. I have lost 31  .  2 lbs! Hellllllllllz yea!
Week 19 breakdown
Weight: 176.6
Fat %: 38.4%
Water weight: 44.9%
BMI: 29
Weeks til goal: 42

Initial Comparison
Weight Day One: -31.2 lbs
Percent of Body Fat: -5.9%
BMI: -5.2 points
Water Weight: +4.3%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -31 weeks (12 weeks ahead of schedule)

I feel pretty good about this weigh-in. As you know from last week, I had gained two pounds and this week I shed 5 off to make up for it. It's a mini roller coaster ride! And how great it is that losing in this case is a good thing! Yep, I'm a loser :) 20 lbs from now I will be in a normal weight range for my body (max 152 lbs in my healthy weight range). Obviously, I am going for middle of the range, but seeing that I'm close to this goal by a couple of months pumps me up!

Here's to the next 30! And talk to you next week!

Love w/ all my bum,

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