About Me

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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wake me up when September ends...week 17

This past week, we closed the chapter of September and it feels like I was in a coma that whole month because I woke up and it was already gone. Sa la vie September!

This week has been full of some awesome points:

1. mini-goal conquered: Warrior Dash
2. Ran a 9 . 22 minute mile
3. Cut 5 minutes from my 5K run in 3 weeks

Now that I have become a warrior, I needed to set a new ambitious goal for myself. Today, I registered for the Hot Chocolate 15K in D.C. and boy am I already nervous about that one!

I was distracted by the cute logo and the idea of chocolate before really letting it settle in that this is just over a 9 mile run. Mind you, I have been running a couple 5K distances a week, but 9 miles-wow. That will be the longest I've ever run for, get this, fun. Or ever for that matter. AND to boot, all runners have to be below a 15 minute pace in order to complete the race. I am not too worried about this, but who knows. It's another pressure point. Either way, I WILL finish it and I WILL get to enjoy hot cocoa and chocolate fondue stations afterwards. It defeats the purpose of burning 1,000 calories but what woman could resist?!

In addition to this news, I have 3 blog followers and one of their boyfriends also participating in the run so it looks like we'll have a mini-team the day of and I will have a network of friends to run with and support me in achieving this goal. I was out with two of my friends last night doing a run and let me tell you, they pushed me pretty hard (I was whimpering like a dog and panting like one too). But I am thankful for it. These two will be my core running mates and hopefully the other 2 will join for weekend runs here and there. And that, my friends, makes me excited.

Ok, so onto the weigh-in for the week:
Week 17:

Weight: 178.6
Percent of Body Fat: 39.2%
BMI: 29.3
Water Weight: 44.2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 44 

From initial weigh-in:
Weight Day One: -29.2 lbs
Percent of Body Fat: -5.1%
BMI: -4.9 pts
Water Weight: +3.6%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -29 weeks (12 weeks ahead of schedule)

Ok y'all. I am THHHHHHHIIIIIIIISSSS close to 30 lbs! WOW. Pretty cool. And how about the fact that I want to share the progress and text everyone I know? Haha. I won't go shouting to the mountains yet, but when I hit that mini-milestone, a facebook post will be in order. I might have to sneak a weigh-in over the weekend to see if I did it as I'm not sure if I can wait until next Thursday to find out.

Overall, September was great to me and next week I'll be discussing making it 4 months into this lifestyle. Man, how time flies when you're getting fit.

Love w/ all my bum,

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