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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

21 and legal

21 weeks. My favorite number is before me! I was super excited to see this number as it's always held a special place within me. Not legal drinking age, but my athletic number for sports. I think this number is befitting to the way I feel right now. Sports have ALWAYS been a part of my life (even when counting watching sports while on the couch doing nothing for a few years). Being active in sports is truly where my passion and zest for life flourishes. I lost that part of me for awhile but I feel my competitive drive heating up. Knowing that I still am a simmering pot on the stove brings such a proud sense to me. It's as if for 5 years I've been an unused pot, sitting on the shelf feeling both sorry for myself and helpless to move. One day in June, I decided to pick myself up and work towards permanent change. And only after 21 weeks of ups and downs do I finally feel like I've breathed some life back into me. The evolution of me is taking place and so far, I am proud of my overall accomplishments. 
October was a tough month for me. I've made some major changes and I've also have accomplished many things during this month that I am proud of (warrior dash, running more, etc), but I have also focused a lot of energy this month on discouragement and self doubt. It's time for me to come out of that shell and really hit the ground running full.

This past week I failed in that the temptation of Halloween lured me like the snake lured to the forbidden fruit. 
I had a Halloween party and although the menu choices were relatively healthy options (I only ate the low-cal food), I partook of the witch's brew and a few handfuls of candy.
At first, I felt like the first glass above. A shiny, happy, cold beverage. But afterwards, I feel bad after having even one glass of wine, beer, etc. It's not just the feeling guilty for having a drink and a handful of candy when I've worked so hard to lose weight, it's as if my mentality has changed and the inside of me cringes afterwards and makes me feel like this pumpkin below:
It's interesting how much a lifestyle change really is a mental change as well. I can no longer 'reward' myself with a drink here and there. That logic simply does not make sense. It's the same illogical process when one treats themselves to a bag a chips for a job well done (to coin the phrase "cutting off the nose to spite the face"). As I've stated before, when I consume food that generally isn't good for me, is over processed, deep fried, etc. I feel like bricks sit in my stomach and I'm somewhat in a funk for a few days-it literally feels like I took energy out of myself with each chocolaty twix mini.  My how times are a changin'.

Onto this week's breakdown:

Weight week 21: 175.2
Percent of Body Fat: 38%
BMI: 28.8
Water Weight: 45.2%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 40

Comparison to 1st weigh in
Weight loss: -32.6 lbs
Percent of Body Fat: -6.3%
BMI: -5.4 pts
Water Weight: +4.6%
Weeks to Meet Goal: -33 weeks (ahead 12 weeks)

As I look toward the month of November, I'm going to be training extensively for the 15K I signed up for in December. I'll go to the Marine Corps Ball and I will also be celebrating my 26th birthday-oh and Thanksgiving! Lots of stuff going on. I also think it's time to really crunch down on myself and make up for the weight not lost in previous months. I'm going to set a personal goal to drop 10 lbs this month (I've been averaging 8). We are already one week in, but I can do it!

Many thanks for the support and here's to the fire growing inside of me-rawr!

Love w/ all my bum,

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