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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 45: I Feel Alive!

      In this journey, I'll let my emotions be my roller coaster, not my diet. 

    Last week, I was a bit upset that I had logged all these miles and then GAINED three pounds. I tried not to let it get to me and just move along with my workout for the day and it helped. Hey, if you aren't dropping the weight, go to the gym, right?  Needless to say, I was pretty darned nervous stepping on the scale this morning. It was a strange nervousness because I had gotten so much encouragement this week from bum followers and gym members that I regained confidence and wanted desperately for it to show in my numbers for the week. 

      Some weeks, you lose nothing, you gain some and you lose some. Your numbers might not reflect the way you feel in that cute outfit you haven't fit into all year. I wake up and immediately hit the scale. I wait anxiously for good news on a job well done or bad news. It's an emotional Russian Roulette when it comes to how I am going to feel about my weigh-in every Thursday. 
Will I let my emotions kill my goals?

I can be disappointed, sad, or even angered. I sometimes feel like I let my readers, coach, and myself down when I haven't lost weight. Other times, I feel empowered and do a naked, happy dance in my bathroom and sing to myself in the mirror that I used to avoid at all costs! 

    The point is, that regardless of my emotions after I see the numbers, I somehow talk myself into keeping it up, finishing strong and to BRING IT ON! I know we have all felt like blah and want to then melt into the couch or comfort ourselves with food. But a habit does not stick if you revert back to your old habits, now does it? And if this is going to be a lifestyle change, ALL of my habits have to be healthy and a positive step towards my goals. So although I allow myself to have free emotions and thoughts about my weigh-in each week, I do not let that invade the rest of the week and especially not my diet. Why have two bad weigh-ins in a row because the 1st one wasn't so great?

  Today, I prove that point. Had I pitied myself all week and allowed my emotions to rule my diet, I would have not been able to bounce back from last week and shed a few more pounds than expected! That's right, 5 . 2 pounds of fat lost this week! Not bad I say! And it feels great to not let the emotional roulette kill my goals. I feel alive!

It's gross, but this is 5 lbs of fat!


Here’s the breakdown for week 45:
Weight Today: 165 (down 5.2 lbs from last week! and 42.8 lbs overall)
Percent of Body Fat: 36.5%(-7.8% overall)
BMI: 27.1 (-2.9 points overall)
Water Weight: 46.3% (up 6.3% overall)
Weeks to Meet Goal: 30 (15 weeks ahead of schedule)

   I think in life, we often let our emotions do the talking. But the onus is on us to permit us to feel what we need to feel and then harness those feelings (both good and bad) and cultivate it into something to help motivate us to do, lift, and run MORE. Sure, our emotions can talk, but it is our responsibility to take the bad and use it as a tool to motivate us and turn it into positive results later. And when we are feeling great, we cannot rest on our laurels that week and sit back; we must push ourselves that much harder the next week to ensure we have even greater results in the long run. We deserve to kick our own bums every week, to sweat it all out, to leave every emotion on the pavement behind our gait, and to push out any self-doubt or pain with the reps we push out. 

     Because after all, we deserve the best. We deserve a healthy life. We deserve to feel hot. We deserve to look amazing. Your self-worth can only increase when you take care of yourself and challenge yourself to succeed, even when others, and sometimes yourself, might doubt it. 

     Looking to next week, I will be logging more miles, eating as fit as I can, and taking names :) Like I said earlier, I'll let my emotions have the roller coaster ride, but I will not let my healthy eating habits yo-yo back and forth.

Love w/ all my bum,

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! First off, congrats on your lifestyle change. It's crazy what happens to our bodies once high school sports are gone and it's time to be a grown up. My cousin told me when I turned 25 that I was going to wake up with a different ass than the one I went to bed with lol. I just wanted to let you know that you are such a great motivation. I, myself, am trying to get back in shape. The working out part isn't what's hard for me - it's the food! And living with a boy who has a 6-pack (and hasn't done an ab exercise in who-knows-how-long) and can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants, has been quite the struggle. I love all of your motivating quotes of the day, too! I was also wondering if it would be okay with you if I shared your blog with one of my best friends who is also in the midst of changing her lifestyle to that of a healthier one. Let me know and keep up the GREAT work! :)
