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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring and the End of a 40 Day Challenge


This week overall was a good week. I plugged in 26 total miles of running in order to follow my training for the half-marathon and completed my 40 day challenge of not eating out. Naturally, my husband wanted to celebrate by going out to eat-LOL. Men, I tell ya. I obliged by telling him we could celebrate with Subway. What a good compromise that was! Easter can be another food pitfall but I am happy to share my meal with you. I was pretty proud that it wasn't a gorge fest and rich with protein, fruits & veggies:

Naturally, with all the running I have been doing, I thought that I was destined to have dropped some major weight this week. WRONG. I GAINED three flippin' pounds! I was so disappointed that I cried a little and felt super discouraged this morning. But, I got up, put my big girl panties on and hit the gym. I am determined to have a funeral for my fat whether it likes it or not!

My TNT coach could sense my frustration and pow-wow'd with me offering words of encouragement after my workout. If I feel like I accomplished something, then I did accomplish something and prior to that weigh in this morning, I thought that I was golden. I am one to lean more towards the guilty conscious about things (I immediately thought about some of the treats I allowed myself to have this week and how I maybe could have pushed harder during a run) but that isn't necessarily a good thing now is it? Then my bestie, Jen, put it into a fresh perspective. I ran 26 miles this week. A year ago, I wasn't running anything. And a few months after that, I was happy to finish a single mile. What seems like a no biggie this week would have been monumental and insurmountable to me last year.

Amazing how the impossible becomes possible. Sometimes I am so caught up with the next step that I forget about what I am doing at present to change my life for the better 'now' that will eventually make my 'future' that much more rewarding.

Breakdown for this week:
This Week:
Weight: 170.2
Percent of Body Fat: 36.9%
BMI: 28
Water Weight: 46%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 35
  Beginning Breakdown:
Weight Day One: 207.8
Percent of Body Fat: 44.3%
BMI: 34.2
Water Weight: 40.6%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 73
When I look at my mini-goals in my first photo's and at the beginning of this blog, my goals during this process of getting to 135 lbs was:
a.       To run a mile without slowing down
b.      To run a 5k, 8k, 10k
Wow! I remember these goals being very big for me. To run a mile without having to stop seemed like a mountain I was going to have to climb and now I can run for miles without having to do intervals. I mean, I ran a 10K as part of my training last Saturday and that wasn't even a long run for me! I guess Jen was right. I need to be proud of how far I have come even if this week's weigh-in stunk. With the renewed perspective my supporters gave me, I am ready to kick some butt and take some names...well, at least kick some butt so I can make this bum smaller!

Love w/ all my bum,

P.S. I need to take some more pictures in my dreaded bikini-but will post them later this week! Stay tuned.

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