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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fat Tuesday is really just that...week 37

Fat Tuesday. Another day people around the world over-indulge before 'some' people give up items and goodies for Lent. For those not giving anything up, the day is simply another excuse to not feel bad for gorging.

To me, Fat Tuesday is just like any other holiday; we excuse ourselves from healthy responsibility. We turn our backs on our 'diets' and allow ourselves to cheat. But how about looking at Fat Tuesday similarly to how many people approach a diet or new food regime? Have you ever decided to go on a diet or fitness kick, set a date, and then eat everything out of your house before you actually start? You tackle the ice cream, the gummi bears and chips thinking "one last feast before it's over." Why, oh why, do we have to 'break up' with our food habits by having one last go around? It makes just as much sense (i.e. none) to have one last rendezvous with a forbidden lover. What I'm getting at is-THE DAMAGE IS ALREADY DONE. One more time makes it that much more difficult to fight yourself out of the prison of your body. We need more control in our lives, right? Yet we cannot control what we eat?! It's ludicrous.

So what can we do? Before approaching a new fitness regime, etc. don't psyche yourself out before you even start.......is it really going to be the last time you eat a burger and fries? No. So don't act like it is and make sure you eat it before you start. Just start the journey and allow yourself some breathing room. You are not going to be perfect always and that's not a realistic goal. I say, dump the junk all at once instead of feasting on it 'to get it out of your house without wasting it.' Don't allow yourself to stock up an emergency stash. Take it all into the workplace or your friends and think nothing more of it. That way, when you do have it, it's a one time treat and not an indulgence.  

This week was not a huge week for me, but I will proudly & anxiously say that I did sign up for an all women's 1/2 marathon. My training officially starts the week of St. Patty's and I'm using this month to get focused, get regimented, and start to build that endurance back up.

So onto my weigh in:

Weight: 175.6 (ouch)
Body Fat %: 37.8 %
BMI: 28.8
Weeks til goal: 41

Ouch is all I can really say. I've GOT to get my cardio back up and I've got to stop eating more portions than I should. I want to hit 50 lbs weight loss sooner than later and I have a mental goal of getting somewhat bikini friendly by the summer.

Going back to Fat Tuesday and the 40 days of lent. Whether you are Christian or not,it wouldn't hurt for you to use these 40 days as a means of self-discovery. A lot of us out there are putting ourselves to the test so you'll have a lot more emphatic friends out there if you make a fitness goal for yourself for those days. Imagine the habits you could form in 40 days. Try making a promise to yourself to go for a long walk each day, no matter the weather. Enjoy and appreciate nature while you are at it. Think about the people who live in these conditions without the shelter of a home. Promise yourself to run a mile every day. You'd be surprised how one mile in a months time goes from "Holy shit, I can barely breathe" to "hmm, a mile? Maybe I can do more." I implore you to try something new for 40 days or to give up something that will make you more fit (i.e. sodas, cigarettes, beer, etc.). Give it a try. Let me know how it goes. Share with your friends so they can hold you accountable. You can do it.

Love w/ all my bum,

p.s. A special shout out to my friend, Anna, who jumped on the treadmill this week. I couldn't be happier for you! Keep going rock star-we'll be doing a 5K together in NO TIME!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weight loss should be my Valentine

Hey Bum Followers!

This week, we were all in the mood for some lovin. Crappy, chocolate-filled, heart shaped boxes floated around the office, cupcakes with conversation hearts pass us by in the hallway and brownies arrive at your desk. All I could think to myself this week was "damn, go for the plants & jewelry instead...they last longer and don't make you feel guilty afterwards." I must say, I was so appreciative of Neal for not getting me anything related to food.

Soapbox thought: I'm reminded of Easter with the 'traditional' Valentine's offerings. For the past few years, I have asked my husband as well as my family to only fill my Easter basket with healthy treats (granola clusters, fresh fruit, etc.). It is SO much easier to enjoy that gift...I wanted to share this idea with you for when you make your baskets & when special someone's make yours. Your kids will still believe in the Easter bunny if he brings healthy goodies-heck, we put carrots out for him, why would we expect jelly beans, peeps & a chocolate version of him in return?

My last post talked about my need to find motivation. I have been going to the gym halfheartedly and that makes for less productive workouts. My stamina has felt lackluster and this funk was not only making me weak mentally, but physically as well. I spent days wandering pinterest for motivational quotes, thought long and hard about the goals I have for the year and it still wasn't 'clicking' for me. So what was I supposed to do during this funk? I set a schedule this week for all the classes I was going to take. For me, nothing motivates me more than to have a gym community. I went to zumba...I mean, who doesn't feel good after shaking it like you are in the club without the nasty, drunk men groping you?! I went to my TNT training. My trainer, Adam, even noticed the change in me and kept saying I needed motivation in my eyes...it still didn't click. But after a week of classes, I felt a little better, but still off.

.................And then Wednesday happened...............

On Wednesday, I showed up at the gym and got on the treadmill. I chose the back row because I've been feeling dumpy lately and didn't feel like being self-conscious while everything jiggled about while I attempted to run my version of 'fast.' I look up and see a woman about my age. She was beautiful and for the first time in what seems like forever, I wasn't intimidated. I was jealous, but not in a snarky, bitchy way. I was actually in awe of her figure. Without sounding like I have a crush on her, I'll break down what I mean. She was not a petite girl by nature, but she had a petite physique. Most importantly, she was ripped. I don't know how, but she was ripped and toned but still feminine. I have never seen a woman look that way. Her arms, shoulders, legs, etc. all had definition. You could see her muscles without her flexing and yet she looked so womanly. No a steroid vein-showing, protein shake loving, weight-lifter body. I later found out she does compete but she didn't have  that orange glow and wrinkly face. She still had curves, but no bodacious ones. I've searched online for a body image to share that looked similar to her and have yet to find one. Google 'fit women' and I halfway thought I was looking at porn shots or the leathery, orange body-lifters...woof. And I'd be too much of a creeper to take a shot of her working out. LOL! How weird would that be?!

No thanks

And then it hit me. "I want to look like her" and then "I CAN look like her." I immediately emailed my trainer who knows the woman (I discovered her name is Rachel) and asked her what she does and what I can do to get that physique. He said it was very simple, I keep doing what I am doing and don't let up. I'm going to start making a log book of my meals for a few weeks so he can have his wife (a nutritionist) evaluate my regular diet. The best part is, he now has a mental bookmark in his brain for how I want to look. He sees my goal as his own. I went to the gym twice today to make up for my lack-luster workout previously. Both were with my TNT coach...he called me Rachel every time I started to slow down and it tapped right into my psyche that I need to push harder if I want to achieve this goal. It felt great to have someone on my side to push me to the limit in the gym. Now you all know how I feel about goals...I make them so it keeps me motivated and I make them attainable & measurable. You guys might be seeing a few more photos of me and my progress these next 6 months.

On another note, the half-marathon I've selected to do is the Zooma female-only half marathon in Annapolis, Maryland. The run is set for June 2nd and I will be registering this weekend at the kick-off expo on Saturday. I wouldn't be lying in saying that I'm scared shitless of this race but if I don't try, I will only regret not challenging myself. It's a large undertaking for me, but I believe I can do it. I have researched and found a 12 week training schedule for the race and it begins in March so I have a little bit of time to build up a little bit of cardio endurance.

Looking to next week, the weigh-ins reconvene. Yuck. But it must be done. I know I've had a set back, but I have confidence in my ability to bounce back, regain momentum, and keep hustling through my current goals and make new ones along the road to my target weight of 135 lbs. I am just glad I found my motivation again.

Love w/ all my bum,