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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Specific Goals, Big Difference: 2013 Resolutions

Happy 2013 Bummers J

Do you ever look back at your goal list and get scared that you missed something even though you had every intention of doing it? I looked back to my January post from 2012 wondering if I had, indeed, fulfilled the promises I made to myself and reach the goals I set. Low and behold, I certainly did.

What I like best about New Years is that you can spend some time reflecting on the past and then make a conscious decision for a better YOU in the future. Now, whether we make those goals obtainable or not depends on the desirability to successfully complete the achievement and laying out the steps necessary to complete those goals. Anyone can say “I’m going back to the gym” and those would be the people who stop visiting after 5 weeks (or less). Without a goal in mind, one can lose motivation and focus. Going to the gym should not be the goal; it should be part of the choice to live a healthier lifestyle. The gym is one of those steps towards a healthier lifestyle. So instead of saying, "I'm committed to going to the gym" pick an exercise routine you can follow, create a schedule of classes you intend to take or make a goal to burn X amount of calories during every trip to the gym over a specified period of time. Just keep that in mind for setting goals this year. Don't be broad-be specific.

Last year, I set the goal of running a half marathon. And from my past posts there was many ups and downs related to that. Looking back now, I reflect about how that seemed near impossible and laugh because here I am almost half way through training for another one. All the pain and self-doubt I had in 2012 regarding this goal causes me to grin at myself. I laugh because I truly thought that was so near impossible last year and now I have that confidence from it to train for another one without the anxiety of thinking ‘can I even do this?’

My 2013 goals are simple, straight forward, but require hard work and dedication. Here they are: 

  • Eat more clean. I still eat out more than I prefer and frankly, I don’t see how anyone can afford it. When I cook my own food, I control the content and the nutritional value of what me and the hubs consume. There really is no better alternative. What I plan to do is first limit the occurrences of dining out, stick to it, and properly meal plan so eating out won’t be the easy way to have a meal. What I notice in pattern is that we are more likely to eat out when I don’t have meat thawing because I don’t know what I want to prepare.  his is an area I can focus on more and change. I’ll spend Sunday afternoons meal planning and then purchasing the fresh groceries for the week. This past year, I have found several ways to add veggies into the mix and take out the carbs (think spaghetti squash instead of pasta, cauliflower crust instead of whole wheat crust on pizza night) and I want to further this education and practice. This is not to say I want to go Paleo full-time, but I definitely want to eat more Paleo more times in a week.    
  • I’m throwing down my own personal gauntlet and committing to something I never thought I’d consider or dream of doing. I am going to run a full freaking marathon this year. 26.2 miles. Yep. I know, I’m just as nervous thinking about it as you are thinking I’m nuts to want to run for 4+ hours straight. But, I have a plan in place. I’m going to join a training group this summer so I have a support system that can properly train me to do the distance, work on my form and help pace me along the way. Of all my goals, this is the most important for me to accomplish. On the making my heart bigger aspect of this blog, I am going to dedicate the marathon to a PTSD related organization outside of Wounded Warriors and raise funds for military service members suffering from the outcomes of war. I am personally related to this issue as my own husband suffers with PTSD and has not found a lot of help and programs available to him. With that said, the marathon I will coincide this fundraising effort will be the Marine Corps Marathon held October 27th, 2013.                                                                                                                                      
  • Blog more. I know I need to get back to it and get back on track with updating more frequently. I need to better measure my successes and failures (as well as my goals). So you can expect to start hearing from me more regularly.

Ok, that does it for my goals this year. There will be more to add as I finish this half marathon on St. Patty's day in Virginia Beach, and I'll keep you appraised of that!

Love w/ all my bum,