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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ringing in 2012 without the bells, whistles & shenanigans

Greetings blog readers!

I left you in December with six month before and after shots. I wanted to end 2011 on a very inspirational and motivational note. Perhaps my words helped you make better decisions over the holidays? Either way, I took a month off of writing. Also, due to a pulled back muscle in the beginning of January, I had to take a couple weeks off from working out. I know, I know...excuses, right? Yep. I'm calling myself out here. Reader: I have failed you this month and it won't happen again. I promised honesty about the ups and downs of this journey and here is my first, and determined to be last, real mess up on my path. I wouldn't blame the holidays, I was actually quite good throughout them. But getting back into a routine upon our return was hectic. We had to replace all our pipes and then put hardwood flooring throughout the house. Money spending in abundance ALWAYS stresses me out and instead of using my new go-to of the gym, I excused myself from it, likely because my emotions and mind felt like I was lifting weights allllllllllllllllllll day. Although everything is looking spic and span...I am not. I 'allowed' myself to not hit the gym because I was doing so much 'work' at home. I know we've all been there....but really, one hour away from the house to be at the gym would not have killed me. One hour at the gym vs. 24 hours of being (and feeling) fat and lazy. Hmmmm, what wins???

While this break comes intense anxiety, guilt and an overall feeling of laziness, I was overall glad to have a break to see just how easy it is to fall back into this 'comfort zone' and how desperately difficult it is to pull yourself out of it. I recall my infamous 'should-ers' who think to themselves "I've wasted my breakfast, so I might as well go all out on a feeding frenzy for the rest of the day because the healthiness of the day is already shot" and I empathize the thought process. Yes, it's easy to fall back and I imagine it's that much more difficult to come back to the healthy path if you have no recent achievements to draw upon for motivation. For me, one look at my 'before' picture and I want to put gym clothes on or thinking back to my 15K and feeling a need to go out there and do a run. Summer will be here sooner than I realize and I'l be DAMNED if I don't look hot and fit for it.

Everyone comes up with New Year's resolutions that, to me, become synonymous with dreams unrealized, immeasurable, or too mighty to conquer without the correct mindset. It was hilarious to me to return to the gym to find it empty...it only took 2 weeks for those "I'm going to lose 15 lbs this year" resolutions to fall flat. For those that feel the need to have a fresh start...come up with a plan that is measurable and achievable. Don't just will away weight, grab a gym membership and then try to think of what you want to do while at the gym. Instead, make progress goals. I've done a list for myself so you can see what I mean:

Overall goal: I want to run a half-marathon this year
-Research half marathons during the year and pick one
-Register for it
-Sign up for 10-15Ks along the route towards the half to ensure motivation
-Research a training routine and begin it
-Start running a few miles at a time

Goal: Run 5 miles regularly during the week
-take a few weeks running 3 miles at a time and increase to 4 and 5 over a two week period

-maintain workouts even when in San Francisco for work

-begin training for the half marathon

Making a plan & writing it down will not only help you map out the course to success on your goal but also motivate you to follow through with it. Now, in my head, I have the desire to run a full marathon and although it's great to shoot for the stars, I know it's not it my deck of cards right now. I will, however, visit the possibility for the latter portion of the year (depending on when I register for a half).

Most importantly, it does not have to be New Years to make a choice to change your routine or your life. I started my journey in June because for me, the timing was right and I had taken time to plot out what I wanted and how I wanted to achieve my goals. It's also perfectly normal for those goals to change and mold into something else along the way...as long as you are still working to achieve something, you can't go wrong.

Alrighty, so onto my weigh in for this week. After almost a month off, I was scared as hell to step on the scale. I thought it might read "DAMN GYRL?!" instead of numbers.

Here's my last weigh-in in December vs. today:

Weight December: 167.8
Percent of Body Fat: 35.6%
BMI: 27.6
Water Weight: 47%
Weeks to Meet Goal: 33

Weight Today: 173.4
Percent Body Fat: 37.4%
BMI: 28.5
Water Weight: 45.6%
Week til goal: 38

A slap on the wrist is warranted, but although I have failed in some capacity, this time off also allowed my body to rest and heal and I am very thankful for that. I was actually surprised that I hadn't gained more because I know what I put into my body the last 2 weeks. 5.6 lbs is looking pretty good considering that in June, a month off would have meant 10 lbs on top of my already obese situation. 

The weight gain is also an affirmation that what I am doing does, in fact, work because staying motivated and accountable is the best thing to help you stay on track. Another great feeling was getting 2 instances from readers asking where my weekly blogs were. THANK YOU. The whole point about this blog, aside from giving my tidbits, is to make myself accountable to YOU readers. It makes a difference to know you were 'looking' for my blog and was disappointed to see you haven't gotten it. My gratitude to you both.

Onto the next week, you will be hearing more from me and I plan to divulge more personals that led me to work out, enabled me to gain the weight originally, and much more. Stay tuned!

p.s. for anyone that wants a goal from me: I plan to go full exposure once I have reached 50 lbs weight loss. I will post on Facebook and start to market myself and my journey more. I plan to do this by starting on my personal facebook but am also considering starting a page just for Bum>Heart.

Love w/ all my bum,