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I'm going to jump right into it. I intend to change my lifestyle. That change starts with my fitness. I've been mentally preparing for this change for awhile and this is one avenue for me reaching my goals. This blog is for the once beautifully fit who let it slip away when adulthood kicked in and team sports + college went away. It's about bringing sexy back and I'll detail ALL the ups and downs, struggles, embarrassment, humor, etc. that it takes for me to change my lifestyle. I am accountable to myself, my husband, and YOU readers to succeed. If I inspire ONE person beyond myself to become more active than putting the spoon of Ben + Jerry's in/out of their mouth, then I have succeeded in more than one way.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

How I'll Attempt to Make My Bum Smaller

What I intend to do to try to make my bum smaller than my heart :)

1.       I intend to do cardio every day as well as weight train 3-4 times a week  (I usually try to do one of two things when I work out-drop 1,000 calories or make it to 3 miles…doesn’t matter if it’s running on a treadmill or walking an incline as I just have to make it to 3 miles each day and push myself harder. So what does that mean for work out time? Yes, the first few months I will spend lots of time at the gym, but as things get easier to do and my endurance is stronger, you’ll find that I’ll be able to get the same workout in less time).
2.       I intend to get into a workout routine. To get into an initial routine, I am joining TNT fitness classes at my gym because let’s face it, after having 2 years of an unused  gym membership I’m not really feeling the pain financially of not going. 
3.       Eating healthy to get on good path. I am giving myself a semi-structured and definitely flexible meal schedule. And no, it’s not from a diet book or anything like that. I know I need more veggies in my life and I know going out to eat and drinking beer often is not the answer. So I’m going to share the rough outline of what I’ll be eating. If you are following my schedule, you can definitely mix and match to something you know is good for you. The limitations of this menu is that you cannot go grab Krispy Kreme for breakfast, eat a heavy lunch, secretly snack until dinner,  and still think you are on the right path. I’m out to change my life and habits permanently-not rollercoaster diet. So really, this will be a large change to the way I am used to doing things. Anyways, here’s my rough menu:

Bum > Heart Menu
Breakfast options:
                -yogurt (I buy the large tub of vanilla yogurt and just get a small glop in a bowl)
                -yogurt w/ granola in it
                -handful of frozen grapes
                -a frozen banana (sliced)
                -frozen banana yogurt pops (banana with popsicle stick in it, then rolled in flavored yogurt, sprinkled with granola and frozen-DELICIOUS and great as a dessert as well)

              Sandwiches: depending on my mood, I heat some of these up in the microwave to make me feel more ‘full’ and I never use mayonnaise or mustard. I sometimes add light Italian dressing, but that’s it
A.      Bread types: spinach wraps, multi-grain, sandwich thins, bagels, bagel thins, lettuce wrap
B.      Turkey/sliced chicken (vary the meat by the seasoning the packages offer)
C.      Roast Beef
D.      Egg Salad (add turkey bacon for something super special)
E.       Lite chicken salad (still looking for a decent recipe)
F.       Sandwich toppings for Roast beef/turkey (I usually have at least 5 of these per sandwich)
-bell pepper
-red pepper
-alfalfa sprouts
-lettuce: spinach, romaine, iceburg
-1 slice cheese: pepperjack, provolone, mild cheddar
-sliced olives
2.       Salads:
A.      Sweet strawberry/pear salad (spinach/romaine, blush vinaigrette,  gorgonzola sprinkles, cut up bosch pear or strawberries, shaved almonds/pecans)
B.      Italian Salad (Lettuce/Spinach, Italian dressing, black olives, little sprinkle of parmesan, bell pepper, purple onion (if you like)…add some turkey pepperoni if you need meat or leftover steak slices
C.      Skinny Cobb Salad (Spinach/lettuce, no dressing, grilled chicken, avocado, corn, bell pepper, blue cheese crumble or shredded low-fat cheddar)
D.      Buffalo Chicken Salad (Lettuce/spinach, grilled chicken, any toppings you desire, non-fat ranch, add a splash of buffalo sauce to the salad and mix it all up)
3.       Sides for lunch (if still feeling hungry):
           A.      Handful carrots and broccoli stems
           B.      Piece of fruit
           C.      Handful of nuts

1.       Gnocchi
A.      With pesto
B.      Tomato sauce
2.       Chicken
A.      Tacos
B.      Grilled or BBQ
C.      Baked w/ marinade & seasonings
D.      Asian Lettuce Wraps
E.       Brown rice bowls
F.       Fajitas
3.       Sandwiches (see lunch)
A.      Turkey meatball sub
4.       Salads (see lunch)
5.       Beef (see chicken options)
A.      Small marinated steaks/grilled
6.       Seafood:
                                    A.      Seared Ahi
                                    B.      Seared Scallops
                                    C.      Crab legs-no butter sauce, just seasoned well and juicy
                                    D.      Sushi
                                    E.       Shrimp 
1.       Fajitas
2.       Thai style w/ rice noodle
3.       BBQ
4.       Sautéed
1.     Roasted sautéed red potatoes with garlic & rosemary
2.     Edamame
3.     Corn on the Cobb
4.     Green Beans
5.     Steamed Broccoli
6.     Beets
7.     Grilled veggie kabob
8.     Sautéed veggies (zucchini/squash) w/ garlic & rosemary
9.     Baked Sweet potato
10.  Steamed Cauliflower
11.  Couscous
12.  Rice
13.  Mashed potatoes
14.  Asparagus
15.  Artichoke

So that's it for now!

Love w/ all my bum,

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